The Santa Cruz Public Library system will be offering a series of free computer classes and tutoring at its branches throughout the county, including our own Aptos Public Library.
According to Library Director Susan Nemitz, improving digital literacy in Santa Cruz County is one of the most important goals of the library system. She says, “Without the ability to use computers people are left behind. These days finding a job, applying for government assistance, or even being civically engaged requires you to use a computer. That’s why we aren’t waiting for building projects to make improvements.”
Each and every public computer has been upgraded and the busy Downtown Library has added additional computers to meet the high demand. “Now that we’ve invested in the technology people need,” says Nemitz, “we have to teach those who struggle how to use it.”
The classes cover a range of topics and are presented at multiple branches: Basic MAC and Windows, Basic Internet, Email and Google Suites, Microsoft Office, Resume Formatting Clinics, and Using Social Media. A life skills class for Young Adults and a Coding Club for kids and teens are also in the lineup of classes. For a complete list of locations and times, call 831-427-7717 or visit the library’s online calendar at www.santacruzpl.org/calendar.
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