To all home owners of Aptos, I bring you good tidings! Yes, we’re still in a stage 3 water emergency, but, but….the median home price in Aptos is up 10.5% compared to a year ago! The median price of a single family home in January 2016 hit $817,500 – and the median price for condos was not much further behind at $665,000 – an increase of nearly 67% compared to a year ago. Welcome to the Aptos Real Estate Update February 2016!
I know what you’re thinking: that’s insane. $665K for a condo? Well, to be fair, three of the five condos sold last month were in the Seascape Resort, with all those lovely ocean views. That’s fair. They’re not making more Ocean View condo units in Aptos – unless maybe a few in the new Aptos Village will have ocean views, in which case, never mind.
It could be you’re thinking, “$817,500 median price for homes in Aptos! That’s Insane!” Well, I won’t differ with you there, but you want to know what’s really insane? Check this out:
That’s a picture I took on the beach on President’s Day. February 15. I think it was -2°F in New York that day. And the median home price in Manhattan is something like $1.87 million. So what’s the measure of sanity these days?
What’s YOUR Aptos House Value?
Interested to know what your Aptos house is worth in today’s real estate market? Then head over to for an instant, on-line evaluation of your Aptos home’s value.
Aside from the drought, the traffic snarls, the lack of a movie theater, and myriad other flaws and imperfections, the reality of the situation is that there’s nowhere else on Earth that I’d rather live. Really. And it seems that many – too many! – other people feel the exact same way. And they’re voting with their money, driving up the cost of housing and creating a real challenge for us as a community. It seems unlikely there will ever be enough housing supply to meet demand in Aptos – and I dare say, if that day ever comes, it will be because Aptos will have truly become a place you’d want to move out of, rather than move to. Let’s hope we never see the day.
Aptos Single Family Home Sales February 2016
By the Numbers
Median Price: $817,500 (up 10.5% Y-o-Y, up 4.9% M-o-M)
# Homes Sold: 19 (up 5.5% Y-o-Y, down 17.4% M-o-M)
Average Days On Market for Sold Homes: 77 (vs. 72 DOM year ago)
Sales to List Price Ratio: 98.3% (vs. 99.4% last year, 96.5% last month)
Single Family Homes Listed on MLS: 48 (up 6.7% M-o-M)
Pending Sales on MLS: 15 (down 40% M-o-M)
Available Homes on MLS: 33 (up 32% M-o-M)
What Your Money Buys You – Houses
While the median price for homes in Aptos in January 2016 was $887,450, the least expensive home went for $565,000 and the most expensive went for an even $1,800,000. Here’s what that kind of money buys you in Aptos today:
Want the Best Price for your Aptos Home?
Why gamble on getting the best price and terms possible when selling your house? Want something more like a sure bet? Then check out this 20 minute webinar on how to sell your home quickly, for the highest price, and with the least hassle, uncertainty, and risk. This is a No BS Webinar on how to Sell your Home – it’s short and to the point, and well worth a few minutes of your time.
Aptos Condo/Townhouse Sales February 2016
By the Numbers
Median Price: $665,000 (up 66.7% Y-o-Y, up 17.7% M-o-M)
# Units Sold: 5 (same as year-ago, down 37.5% M-o-M)
Average Days On Market for Sold Units: 173 (vs. 72 DOM year ago, 55 month ago)
Sales to List Price Ratio: 96.8% (vs. 99.4% last year, 97.7% last month)
Condos/Townhouses Listed on MLS: 33 (up 6.7% M-o-M)
Pending Sales on MLS: 12 (down 40% M-o-M)
Available Units on MLS: 21 (up 32% M-o-M)
What Your Money Buys You – Condos
While the median price for condos in Aptos in January was $665,000, the least expensive unit sold for $472,500 and the most expensive went for $875,000. Here’s what that kind of money buys you for an Aptos condo/townhouse today:
What about the rest of Santa Cruz county?
Want to know what’s going on in all of Santa Cruz county? For a complete report on Santa Cruz county as a whole, check out the Santa Cruz County Real Estate Report for February 2016
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