The Rail Trail Debate Rages on! TRAILNOW.ORG is continuing the neighborhood meeting outreach effort to educate the public on the facts on the train, trail, highway 1 and other transportation issues across Santa Cruz County.
The next meeting is to be held Tuesday, November 17th at 7 PM at the Best Western Seacliff Inn. If you can’t make that meeting, there’s another meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 1st at Garfield Park Community Church, at 111 Errett Circle in Santa Cruz.
TRAILNOW.ORG is working on a video series showing the issues surrounding building a trail with the rail line. Two of the videos have already been published and are embedded here for your enjoyment. They are quite eye-opening and educational:
Video Segment #1
Video Segment #2
Thursday, November 19th from 9 am to Noon will be the RTC Transportation Workshop to discuss the 2016 Transportation Tax Measure. The meeting will be held at the Veterans Memorial Building, located at 846 Front Street, Santa Cruz.
RTC is proposing a 1/2% Sales Tax over 30 years to support various forms of transportation. If you are able to attend, please do. Here is a link to the meeting’s agenda.
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