The Advocates for the Forest of Nisene Marks invite you to a special trail work day Sunday October 12, 9:30-12:30. Volunteers should meet at the park entrance kiosk at 9:30 for coffee and treats.
Each year State Parks requires the Advocates who build and install the bridges each spring to remove them by October 15, prior to the rainy season. They need extra people to be able to remove and store the two seasonal bridges. Come help for the whole time, or just an hour.
The Advocates is a non profit to fill in the gaps of trail maintenance, trail building, safety and general health of the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park. They have done a lot to their website to make it a resource for park users. The site provides abundant trail info as well as info on the park’s flora and fauna. Please visit www.advocatesfnm.org
They organize, in conjunction with State Park Rangers, trail work each 3rd Sunday of the month 9:30-early afternoon and always need volunteers. You don’t have to have special skills, just come lend a hand! Feels great to give back to this beautiful park and spend a few hours outdoors making a contribution!
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