Mark your calendar for the next meeting about Groundwater replenishment and seawater intrusion prevention project (aka the Pure Water Sequel Project). Please plan to attend the public Soquel Creek Water District board meeting on December 18th at 6:00 pm at the Capitola City Chambers – 420 Capitola Ave. Capitola, CA.
Pure Water Soquel is a project of groundwater replenishment and seawater intrusion prevention. This project will help recycle water for replenishing the groundwater basin and protecting against seawater intrusion using advance water purification methods.
Methods can vary, but many systems use water purification that includes three processes: micro-filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light/advanced oxidation.
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Where this Project will be sited
The Project includes facilities in portions of the cities of Santa Cruz and Capitola, and in the Live Oak, Soquel, and Aptos communities of unincorporated Santa Cruz County, California.
There are tree sites identified by the Soquel District for the Project water treatment facilities, and five potential sites (among four properties) for recharge wells, and several options for conveyance pipeline alignments.
The Project treatment system could include components at:
(1) the Santa Cruz Wastewater Treatment Facility,
(2) District-owned property near the Capitola Avenue-Soquel Drive intersection, and/or at property on the southwest corner of the Soquel Avenue-Chanticleer Avenue intersection.
Potential recharge well locations include:
(1) two sites at Cabrillo College
(2) one site at Twin Lakes Church
(3) one site on District property near Willowbrook Lane, and
(4) one site on District property near the Monterey Avenue-Kennedy Drive intersection.
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The objective of this Project is to help increase the sustainability of the groundwater supply while also stopping and reversing saltwater intrusion, which would be absolutely deadly to our precious aquifer.
This project will cost approximately $90 million. Soquel District has been awarded over $2 million in grants and exploring federal grants programs for construction.
It is currently in Year 4 of it’s evaluation with technical feasibility and environmental review underway. Once approved, construction could begin on late 2019 with the goal of being on-line by 2022.
If you want to learn more about this important project that is coming to our community don’t miss this meeting! It is critically important that those in favor of replenishing and revitalizing our aquifer show up to this meeting and let the Soquel Creek Water District know you support their efforts.
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