Santa Cruz county is not known as a magnet for toy shops – and now with the closing of Toys ‘R’ Us, there are fewer places than ever to pick up toys in town. However, tucked away in the Aptos Center is Outside In Kids, a small but lovely toy shop with a good selection of quality toys for children of all ages. They eschew a lot of the super plasticky junk toys such as you’d have found at Toys R Us, and instead focus on higher quality, higher margin toys and books. If you’re looking for inexpensive gifts, this isn’t necessarily the shop for you – you’ll need to head to Target for that. But if you want to browse a good selection of carefully chosen merchandise for children, head on over and check out Outside In Kids. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what they have to offer! Check out the photos in our photo gallery to get a feel for the place and the kind of items you’ll find there.
Outside In Kids
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