The long-awaited Unified Corridor Investment Study (UCIS) “Draft Step 2 Scenario Analysis” was released on Friday, September 28th 2018. The document is available on the RTC web site but is also being made available for download here. The Santa Cruz RTC (Regional Transportation Commission) will be holding two public workshops so residents can join the discussion about transportation options for our Aptos community’s transportation needs now and into the future.
The UCIS is investigating what projects on Highway 1, Soquel Avenue/Soquel Drive/Freedom Boulevard, and the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line will provide the greatest benefit to the community. These workshops will feature an overview of the UCIS draft Step 2 scenario analysis and seek public input on a preferred scenario for Santa Cruz County’s transportation future.
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Public input is critical as we move forward with examining how well combinations of transportation investments – automobile, transit, bicycle and pedestrian – serve the community’s needs. The evaluation is based on a triple bottom line (environment, economic and equity) approach to sustainability and adopted UCS performance measures.
Input can also be emailed to ucs@sccrtc.org or mailed to the RTC at 1523 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 95062.
UCIS Public Workshop Dates and Locations
Monday, October 15
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Live Oak Elementary School
Multi-Purpose Room
1916 Capitola Road, Live Oak, CA
Tuesday, October 16
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Civic Plaza Community Rm A, 4th Fl
275 Main Street, Watsonville, CA
(Parking in garage on Level 6)
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