The Santa Cruz Public Library System (SCPL), a network of 10 neighborhood library branches throughout Santa Cruz County, today announced the return of its annual kids’ chess tournament at the Aptos Library, its 14th Annual Tournament.
The tournament will be held on Saturday, May 28 from 12:00-4:00p.m. Children between the ages of 6-18 years old are invited to participate. The tournament is free to enter, but preregistration is requested. Visit or call the Aptos Branch Library at 831-427-7702 to register.
Chess is an excellent teaching and learning tool for kids. It promotes thinking strategically and foreseeing consequences, understanding lines and angles, and decision-making skills. Library Director Janis O’Driscoll says, “This annual tournament is a great way for all the kids who have improved their skills during the year to celebrate and have some good-hearted competition.”
Aptos Library resident chess master Dana MacKenzie, who teaches the library’s weekly chess club on Tuesdays, organizes the tournament each year. Participant check-in will take place from 12-12:30 p.m. Game rounds will be held at 1:00p.m., 2:00p.m., and 3:00p.m., with an awards ceremony at 4:00p.m. Light snacks will be provided by the Friends of the Aptos Library.
Weekly chess clubs for kids ages 6-18 are held at the Aptos Library Tuesdays 3:30-4:30p.m. Weekly chess clubs are also held at the Downtown Library every Saturdayexcept the 1st Saturday of the month from 2:00-3:30p.m. The Downtown Chess Club is led by Chess Master Gjon Feinstein.
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