The Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks have announced that they are working with the Advocates for the Forest of Nisene Marks and California State Parks to help keep the dust off the Nisene Marks fire road.
Last year the Forest of Nisene Marks Advisory Committee, comprised of the three organizations, worked to fund the re-grading of the fire road from the entrance kiosk to the Steel Bridge, put down 500 tons of new base rock and coated the road with Dust Off. Dust Off is an environmentally safe dust suppression solution.
Maintaining the road this summer is projected to cost $14,500, which will be funded by the Advocates and Friends. The Advocates have embarked on a fundraising campaign to help fund the project. To date, the Advocates have raised $3,000. For more information or to make a donation, please visit www.advocatesfnm.org.
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