The folks at NOPOC have some good news to share: PG&E has announced that it will be requesting that CAISO (California Independent System Operator) re-evaluate the need for the Santa Cruz 115 kV Reinforcement Project at this time.
While this does appear to be good news, NOPOC cautions that it is far too early to declare victory. Marco Romanini, a NOPOC committee member, wants to make sure everyone knows that “we are not sure what is happening behind the scenes and things really could go either way still.”
The CPUC Administrative Law Judge assigned to the project has instructed all parties (including NOPOC) to meet and confer, and will preside at a pre-hearing Conference (PHC) on December 12, 2014, at the California Public Utilities Commission, to consider dismissal of PG&E’s application to construct the project.
The status of the environmental review and release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report is currently on hold pending the December 12 PHC.
For details, visit the CPUC website.
NOPOC is conferring with its lawyer and power engineer to determine how to proceed, and will participate in the PHC while we continue to prepare for possible contingencies. We remain committed to protecting our community from the devastating effects of the Santa Cruz 115 kV Reinforcement Project in its current form.
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