The Mar Vista read-a-thon kicks off Today! This is a new fundraiser for Mar Vista Elementary School in Aptos, and half the proceeds from the fundraiser go to purchase new books for the school’s library. The remaining funds will go to support the Mar Vista Parent’s Club general fund, which buys things for the school not paid for by the Pajaro Valley School District budget. This includes art and music programs, teacher training, and additional technology in the classroom.
The read-a-thon is a great way to encourage our kids to read, and to show them the importance that their families and community places on reading. It’s easy for people to support the students, as sponsorships are placed on-line. Each student has a web page where they can go to invite their friends and family to support them.
There’s also a page for the school as a whole, where you can see how much money has been raised. Also from this page, you can search for individual students to make a donation for them. It is also possible for businesses to support the read-a-thon, and businesses that do will have their names, logo, and a link to their web site posted on every read-a-thon page.
Click this link to see the Mar Vista Read-a-thon page and support our community’s kids in their efforts to become better readers! The Mar Vista Parent’s Club is an IRS 501c3 non-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible.
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